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Why Ronglee Should Be Your Stay Back
Before You Journey Into The Hills!
Ronglee Homestay is been established recently just 3 years back, but the family of the host Ren Yuden Lepcha and Renyu Esther Lepcha is living here since last 40 years. ​
The family of the lady of the house Esther is considered as the first family to inhabit the foothills of the Mahananda Wildlife reserves which todays forms the infamous Bengal Safari.
The Homestay is just behind Bengal Safari at its periphery sharing its boundary situated away from city hustle and yet very much connected to the Siliguri Metropolitan.
With their two children Summrip and Summpunu the space also touches the 3rd largest Buddhist Monastry in India the Ewam India Monastry which is completely maintained and run by Buddhist nuns.
Unlike, most who are living in the cities being disengaged & distanced from our connect with nature and everything that nature offers to us; a Lepcha traditional family space is more of a living vibrant sphere where everyone and everything both animate and the inanimate freely interacts with each other.
This pet friendly space has a family garden, a home poultry, a plant nursery and a pig farm spread across in an area of 40,000 sq ft. Our family also includes 3 dogs and 2 cats.
You would find it amazing to see the behavior of the pets at the house, and how much they are self aware of the cleanliness despite being let to move freely in the entire area.